Since most of cycling involves some level of endurance, every cyclist wants to be more efficient when riding the bike. The more efficient you are, the longer you can ride, and the more fun you have! Efficiency also means a higher level of power over a period of time, and who doesn’t love higher average watts!

So a lot of the guys that I ride with weekly are middle aged dudes like myself, who for riding is a serious hobby, but not how we make a living. We all have day jobs. Which means a lot of us are sitting at a desk, earning as much as we can for that shiny bit of carbon fiber to psychologically make us a little bit faster. Which leads to most of us having a little less flexibility. This lack of flexibility can impair our position on the bike which leads to decreased efficiency and power. 

The two areas of decreased flexibility that I am talking about are the hips and the posterior chain. Tightness in these areas makes it difficult to be correctly balanced on the bike, which does not allow you to be in the most efficient position for delivering power on the bike. Watch the video below where I demonstrate this common position that I find riders in and then look for subsequent blog posts and videos in the next couple of weeks where I break down how you can improve this area

If  you’re a cyclist or athlete living in Roswell, Johns Creek, or Alpharetta, and experiencing some pain issues while riding a bike, we are experts at treating cyclists and also do bike fittings. Since 2008 our proven 3 step plan has helped people stay in the game and keep doing all the awesome activities they love. Please give us a call or text at 678-400-0300.